IATI future hosting arrangements post-2022
IATI Institutional Hosting arrangements
Update: April 2023
The Members’ Assembly 2023 (held 13-14 March at UN City, Copenhagen) approved new hosting arrangements for IATI, which followed a selection process delivered by the Governing Board and Institutional Working Group. From July 2023, UNDP will provide policy and technology hosting services and UNOPS providing legal and operational support services for the initiative, both working under an IATI Executive Director who will report to the Governing Board. Open Data Services Cooperative will provide technology services through a contract with UNDP.
Following the IATI Members' Assembly 2023, the Governing Board informed UNDP and UNOPS of the outcome in writing and both entities have agreed to proceed to the next steps to establish Letters of Agreement with UNDP and UNOPS, and will take into account feedback received from members during the Members' Assembly during the course of discussions with each of these entities.
Terms of Reference and selection process
IATI’s hosting arrangements from July 2023 will consist of the delivery of two main services: (1) Policy and Technology Secretariat services and (2) Legal and Operational Support Services.
The bidding and selection process was conducted between October 2022 and March 2023.

Transition to new hosting arrangements
Following the hosting decision, IATI's Transition Manager, the Governing Board and the current and future hosts are working on ensuring a seamless migration to the new hosting arrangements. This includes cataloguing and improving services and service levels, securing budgets and resources needed to ensure ongoing Secretariat support to IATI and preserving and transferring the institutional memory of IATI’s previous hosts to the new arrangements. IATI remains on target to formally move into the new hosting setup on 1 July 2023. The initiative is committed to ensuring all IATI stakeholders continue to receive a high level of uninterrupted services and support throughout and beyond this transitional period.